Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas...Head Knowledge or Heart Knowledge.

Christmas is in two days!!  Yesterday at church we celebrated and sang about the birth of Christ. The Christmas tree is up, poinsettias are everywhere.  We love Christmas!! It is always a wonderful time of the year!  And the sermon yesterday was so good, as always!  This particular note from the sermon, in quotes,struck me as a truth that so many people miss:  "Not just to believe in Him but to receive Him.True belief is a heart experience not just a knowledge or head experience.  His truth must become personal." 

That simple quote really set me to thining, though I've heard it often before and know the truth of it.  But, it impressed me more yesterday for some reason.
The majority of Americans believe there's a God and Jesus is his son so they call themselves Christians.  I did.  But, there's more to being a true Christian than that..I mean, check it out in the Bible, if you don't believe it...

it has to be a personal, heart experience.  It's not just 'knowing'.  When it's a heart experience, you will acknowledge Jesus as Lord.  What does that word, 'Lord', mean? "someone having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler."  If he's Lord of your life, you let him be your ruler.  You want to know his plan for you so you can follow it.  Just knowing that he's the ruler isn't enough.  It's turning from your old way of doing things and deciding to go his way.  OH, now that's the part nobody likes!  I can almost hear people say, 'What?!"  "God does not force himself on anyone! He is kind and loving and loves you no matter what!" 

And, you know what?  That's TRUE!  He doesn't force himself on you, he's a gentleman.  He IS kind and loving and loves you no matter what.  And BECAUSE of that great love(who can look at our sin and still love us besides him?) you love him! and you want to follow him.  Jesus told his disciples to leave everything and follow him.  From an earthly viewpoint, they gave up their jobs, their families, their independence...and many of them ended up being killed for that!  That doesn't seems like a 'God thing' to do, does it?  But, it was and it is.

Some people still die for following Jesus or get put in prison or get fired from their jobs, ostracized.  I met a young woman in another country who was so grief stricken because her family and village threw stones at her and chased her out of town with nothing but the clothes on her back.  How many people are willing to do that?  To leave everything they have known and loved, to follow Jesus?   He loved us enough to leave beautiful Heaven so He could be cruelly beaten and die, taking away our sins. Now THAT'S a fanatical love!  Can we ignore a love like that?  Will people call US fanatics if we talk about Jesus like I just did?  Yes.  Who cares?!  This life is short, eternity is forever.  Goodness our priorities are wrong. We care what people think, but not what God thinks?

So, then the real question for each of us to ask ourselves and answer ourselves is:  Am I a Christian? 
The Bible said each man must 'work out' his own salvation with fear and trembling...meaning:  it's each person's responsibility to accept the Lord Jesus himself/herself no matter what mama and daddy, grandma and them believe.  It's between you and God.  Then to go into all the world and preach(teach) this same good news.  That part isn't an option, but a command from God.

Something for you to think about today as you prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus.  Be blessed!   Merry Christmas!!