Thursday, June 12, 2014


I love being a Girl Raised In The South!  Wouldn't have it any other way!! 

If this had been THE apple, I could understand Eve.

Okay, one last weird comment..for now. I found these decadent, wonderful, the best ever Magnum chocolate ice cream bars on sale at Publix. And, yes, I ate one on the way home...while thinking about the 'flying' fish in the previous post. As I finished this most delicious, not-on-the-Daniel-Plan treat, I said, 'Lord, surely this fell out of Heaven!' and I'm pretty sure His still small voice said, 'Yes, just like Lucifer did'! :O   Oh dear.

Weird me and fish thoughts

Weird me, on the way home from my appointment, saw a heron fly overhead from the bay clutching a fish. The fish was about six inches long maybe. And, my weird mind got the image of the fish's point of view from up in the air...out of the only home it's ever known, under the high up in the air, flying over grass, cars, tall houses, never having seen those things before... feeling air on it's scales rather than water. How scary was that for the little fish?! Made me want to cry! And, trust me, I like fish....I'm not a vegan. Maybe fish don't have feelings or fears? : ( I wonder if it's okay to pray for a hard heart?