Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Feeling the Love

This is one of those moments when my heart is filled with so much love for my kids.  I just wish I could reach out to them all and hug them to my heart and make them feel and know how much they mean to me.  This is not a once in a while feeling. Of course I love them continually, hugely without fail.  But, there are moments when I feel my heart will explode if I don't hear from them or see them!! Next to God saving me, they are the hugest blessings of my life.  They are my pride and joy.  Lord, I love each one of them so much.

Father, continually put a hedge of protection around each of my children and grandchildren.  Lord, let no harm come ot them.  Keep the evil one and his plans away from my family.  May Truth and Wisdom be their constant companions.  May their love for You, Lord God, multiply each day and may they serve You with all of their heart.  Father, don't let the teachings of this new world view, the "'anything goes'/ 'there is no Hell'/ 'God doesn't judge people' /'it doesn't matter which god you believe in, all roads lead to Heaven'" philosophies of this world get into their minds, their belief systems.  Father show them that You are the one true God, You alone make the rules and that You do judge.  But, also, Father, show them that You have made a way for EVERYONE, ANYONE to enter Heaven IF they choose to do so.  Not by their own good works, which can never be enough, but by the FREE, COMPLETED, PAYMENT ON THE CROSS BY JESUS.

Father, may these verses be ever present in their hearts :  John 3:16,17. For God so loved the world that He gave HIs only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH(GO TO HELL), but have everlasting life.  For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that THE WORLD THROUGH HIM MIGHT BE SAVED.

Lord, You know where each of our children is tonight and what they're doing.  So even now, Lord Jesus, hug them all for me...and for You. :)  Please help them feel the tremendous, unconditional, extreme love You have for each of us.  Thank You for taking such good care of each of them and of us.  Thank You so much for loving us.  I can hardly wait to see You.  Soon and very soon this old world will be past and we will see You face to face.  Lord, come quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you Mary. Heaven cannot come soon enough! My work here on this earth is not done yet and He'll be with me all the way through.
