Monday, January 27, 2014

Made To Crave...temporary pause..

Hello again, friends. Last week I traveled to Birmingham, AL for surgery on my parotid glands. Although the surgery wasn't severe or long, it has caused me a lot of discomfort. Needless to say, I didn't read the blogs or the Made To Crave book while I was mending. Plus my husband was an ever-present caregiver and so sweet to do everything for me, but I didn't have any time alone. This afternoon, I've had time to catch up a little bit on the book, but haven't been to the blog yet. Just wanted to say that I'm still on this journey, just need to catch up! I will not give up but will make this trip with you to the end!
One issue I've had is that, although it's been easier to make healthy choices for the most part, I haven't necessarily been putting Christ first and working on CRAVING HIM! That's the whole point of this, I want to crave God, to crave time with Jesus, to know Him better and be ever so close to Him!! So, please pray for me, that I will put first things first and that my priorities will be right!!! Thank you!! Be blessed!

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