Monday, May 12, 2014

Forward Braveheart!

How often have I cowered and backed away and been a simpering, weak, frail piece of humanity in the face of perhaps displeasing someone I love??  To keep from having a confrontation.  To stop a family argument before it might possibly happen??  Way too often.

I have compromised my beliefs for the sake of 'keeping the peace' and I have listened to language that I detest while weakly whimpering, "Don't talk like that..."    I have accepted from my loved ones what I would not accept from friends or acquaintances.  I have listened while inwardly furious to crude language, hateful speech, drunkenness.  Inside I was boiling with shame and disgrace and ANGER!  But, outside I was weak and I let it go because I wanted peace.  I was raised in a house full of yelling and screaming and fighting because my father was a drunk and a wife beater and my mother was sad and angry and my siblings were afraid and angry.  Everybody was angry.

When I grew up, I was angry, too.  I had my share of yelling, screaming, fighting.  But, I wanted peace.  I wanted it so much that I finally gave up the yelling, etc.  and became weak and without power of my own. 

I'm here to say that I no longer want to appear weak.  The truth is I'm very strong and I know the difference between right and wrong, I know truth and I know a lie.  I know disrespect and I know honor.  I know filth and I know Godliness.  And, I'm not shutting my mouth any longer.  I'm not even saying I'm sorry if you don't like that!!  I'm going to be true to myself and my God.  I'm not to be weak, I'm to stand for what's right.

That I will do.  Be prepared world!!  Be prepared, family!!  Be prepared friends and acquaintances!!  Mary isn't backing down.

Onward, Braveheart!  Fight for the heart of your King!
Either you will understand this, or you won't.

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