Monday, September 16, 2013

Prayer request

Heavy on my heart tonight is someone who's struggling, a whole family who's struggling.  I met this lady through a friend.  She's struggling with her teenaged daughter who has BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder.  The 17 year old wrote this while in one of her  'flare ups', for lack of a better word.  There are better words, but I don't know them.  This dear mother is so concerned about her child and reading the words breaks my heart, too. Most people can't put into words what they're experiencing, but this young girl did it quite well, I think.   I'll post it here, I told the mom I wouldn't use their names.  I wonder, when you read it, can you feel her pain?  If you know anyone struggling like this girl, please pray for him/her. Mental illness has a whole stupid stigma attached to it.  Physical illness...fine.  Mental illness...bad.  What kind of double standard is that?  Mental illness can be treated, it takes therapy, it takes time, it takes medication, it takes God.  Just like physical illnesses.  Don't look down on people who have a mental illness.  Help them.  Love them just like you would someone with cancer.  Please?
Her words:

So...the darkness pulls at me. And it pulls me up, but down. I guess they'd call it mental illness. But the truth is its my world. Maybe it will change when I go. But for now its what circles me. And entrances me. The sick hold it has on me writhes in me and changes me. I'm everchanging with the flow of life. Not flow. Rather, a twisting, speeding, rough and confusing ride. I hope but, sometimes I don't. I like's my sick way. I feel so deeply and how can one feel deeply without the dark pulling at you pushing you under til your near dead...or pulling you up to ecstasy. Circling like gray black gravity. So i dream in black and white. And what does it matter. It is beautiful. It is light in a tunnel to feel so strongly and sleep so soundly. I am afraid but the fear numbs under its glowing pulse. The glowing pulsing dark. I don't know if this is how i am or if its this moment. Every minute feels like eternity...Ever lasting pain. But i cut; the pain is mine. I doubt anyone could ever know the truth. The hold it has on me. My friendly dope; my friendly blackness. I sweetly lay with it at night. I sweetly push it away when is clings to me. Thats the pills job. To push and pull me like my hard deep meanings and tears. I tumble and sweat. Hopefully I smile beyond this. But I like the aloneness and hate the aloneness of this back breaking burden. Kills me softly and interminably. I truly am so volatile. My head in so many worlds its inconcievable. My head in so many mentalities i should say. I get scared wondering who I will be in the next moment. What I will believe when I change into her or her or her. Help I try to say but my darkness dries the words from my mouth with a scorching heat.

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