Friday, September 6, 2013

Time is a strange thing.

It's amazing to think that kids who are in 7th and maybe 8th grade now weren't even born yet when Al Qaeda attacked us on 9-11-2001.  It seems impossible.

Someday when they learn about it(they will, won't they??), they'll think you are REALLY OLD because you remember it well!  : ) 

That's the reaction I get from younger folks when I talk about integration, the race riots and assassinations of the 1960's, and the Vietnam war and POW's, the first time man walked on the moon! 'Wow, you remember that?' Yeah.  And, I remember when there were no cell phones, when I learned computer programming on a computer that filled a whole room!, black and white TV's, having to get up and change channels!  yeah, I remember a lot of things. :)  But, it wasn't so long ago...

 Time is weird in that a day can seem so long, but a lifetime can go by so quickly!


  1. Yes Dear, you're right. Time does go by very fast. I also remember when bussing started, there were no cell phones, I was in VietNam twice and I was on duty with the Navy when they first stepped on the moon and JFK was assassinated. As fast as the lifetime has gone by it was more bearable because I had you as my helpmate and we had some wonderful children. I love you.
