Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A rare family get-together.

We cooked steaks on the grill and sat around this beautiful table laughing so hard at the stories told, the kids playing.  Just did my heart good!

Mr. Man and I drove to Tennessee this past weekend to meet up with our four sons at the youngest son's lake house.  We'd not done that before for several reasons.  All of our sons live in different states and our son has only had the lake house for about a year.  It's beautiful there!   His neighbor was kind and invited the 'overflow' to stay at his vacation home next door.  There were so many of us that we just couldn't all sleep at our son's house even though it's pretty big.

We'll have to work something out to be able to get our girls and their families here another time.

But, as a mom, I was thrilled to see our sons all together again after so long!  They had a great time catching up, their kids did as well!  They got along so well and are old enough to remember this weekend and the new bonds they've formed with their cousins.  That's life these days, I suppose, families live so far apart due to jobs, etc.  This weekend was special and so worth the traveling!

There was boating, playing ball, a makeshift slip and slide(seen below) that worked really well. :)  So much fun!

This is the makeshift slip and slide. They soaped it up really well and tried all kinds of stunts and races. LOL

Occassionally the kids went inside to rest and watch a LITTLE BIT of TV. 
This is our youngest granddaughter in front of her uncle's HUGE TV.   I love this picture.

We're all back in our own states, in our own homes now.  But this was a weekend to remember and I pray we are given more like this.
Thank you, God, for your blessings.  You work all things out for our good because you love us.  Please continue to bless our 'babies' and their babies and continue to draw our whole family closer and stronger.  We'll remember to thank You for it all!
Blessings everyone.  Hug your loved ones every chance you get!

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