Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stormy night

The view from under my Magnolia tree this morning is pretty soggy!  A storm came through last night that wreaked a bit of havoc in the area.  A large oak tree fell across the road and took out a power line which immediately took out our electricity.  We're in Florida, in mid summer.....it's a bit warm, needless to say.  We were about 7 hours without electricity, with it finally coming back on at midnight. YAY! Thank God for electricity!! I've been in several countries and visited several villages that have no electricity or running water.  We take so much for granted! 

So, from under my Magnolia tree the view is small branches all over the yard, but it's a beautiful sunshiny day at the moment!  My flower garden is flourishing with all this rain and intermittent sunshine!  I'm thankful for a home and air conditioning, plenty of food and comforts.  I pray for those who have none of these things.  I pray that I will know how and when to help them.  Lord, open our eyes to those less fortunate and help us be Your hands and feet here on this earth.

Much to do today, but for now, I would say it's time for sweet tea under the Magnolia tree.
Be blessed today!!

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