Wednesday, July 31, 2013

For every silver lining, there's a black cloud.

Yes, that's backwards.  The saying is, "Every cloud has a silver lining."  That's true....for every trouble that presents itself in this life, there's some kind of benefit we can gain from it.  As a Christian, I believe Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose."  So, I pray for God to bring the good out of 'bad' situations.

Today though, I want to discuss, 'For every silver lining, there's a black cloud.'   It is that way, though, isn't it?  On the wake of wonderful, happy times, there are often 'black clouds' that try to steal our joy.  Do you know what I mean?  Have you ever returned from a wonderful party, vacation, reunion, whatever, and had someone try to bring you down and make you feel bad?

If not, then perhaps my situation is unique.  But, I feel sure that at least some of you have experienced that.  So often, in the past, I let someone completely steal my joy and happiness.  But, not now. :)  I know how to disconnect from those who choose to live life in the negative, 'poor me', guilt-trip way.
Guilt used to be my way of life!! Especially when it came to family!  I always felt responsible if everyone wasn't completely happy.  I accepted the accusations of neglect, the blame for a family member who was miserable or any bad thing that happened I believed was my fault.

I'm wiser now. :)  What a load off my shoulders!! I'm not responsible if other people choose to be miserable and negative.  If I know in my heart that I have not intentionally done anything to hurt anyone, then I just give them to God and let Him take care of them. I can't fix it, but I can pray...that's the best thing and all that I can do.  It hasn't been easy to dump that baggage!  I'm not talking about dumping people.  I'm talking about throwing out the dirty bath water, not the baby.  I love the baby, but the junk has to go!   When I say it hasn't been easy, I mean it has taken lots of tears, prayers, and counseling to get past it.  Now, I'm free.  I still care, but I don't let it change my joy in life.  I choose to be happy and free. 

At the age of 61, I've learned this lesson.  I hope that you will learn it much sooner so that you can enjoy more of your life!  Whatever you might have actually done wrong, ask God to forgive you..He will..then let it go!  If you've hurt someone, apologize sincerely.  What they do with the apology is up to them.  The freedom comes from knowing that God has forgiven you and you have done all you could do.  An adult's choice to be miserable is his/her choice alone.  The misery almost always comes from being self-focused...'They did this to me'...'I'm always left out'...'Everybody hates me or neglects me.'...'I deserve more'.   So self-centered is misery.  Don't let that be part of who you are.  Be free!!

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