Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hamstring owie.

We've spent most of the day on the TN river.  Beautiful.  Some of our group wanted to wake board, some wanted to ski, and others wanted to sit it out.  We had ....let's see...11 people on the boat.  Which was a bit too much to get up to top speed, not to mention to get around with skis and such.  So, our captain dropped me and four grandbabies and one of the daughters-in-law off on the ''''''beach''''''' to watch.
Now I live in Pensacola, Florida where we have the most amazing white sand beaches.  It honestly looks like snow.  So, I was unprepared to step out of the boat and sink into thick, slimy MUD! MUD!  We managed to make our way to the 'shore' with the sound of 'thuck', 'thuck', 'thuck' as our feet lost suction with the mud.  We were, thankfully, left there with four chairs, three lifejackets for the little ones and a swim noodle.  We left the towels and water with the 'poor' boaters.  Well, within the first ten minutes I took a flying slide through the mud, into the air, and made a three point landing on my bottom, left arm, and right hand.  I do not like mud, Sam I Am!  I do not like mud in the sun, I do not like mud on my buns! I do not like it here or there, I do not like it anywhere!  The youngest grand was bathing in mud...slathering it all over her lovely four year old legs.
At any rate, we settled our muddy bottoms in our chairs or floating in the muddy water while the 'brave' ones tried and often failed to conquer the water on skis, wake boards, and those pull behind thingies.
They had lots of fun and we enjoyed watching them try.  There were lots of pictures taken and I'll post them when I can.
The bad part of the day came when Mr. Man got out to water ski, not having done it in about 30 years...and pulled his ham string on the first try.  I mean, agonizingly pulled it to the point where he can't put weight on it even now, eight hours later.  Poor guy, he refused to be taken back to the house, though, because he didn't want to ruin everyone's good time.  So he suffered through it.  He's now finally lying in bed, but his leg is propped up and pain meds are helping.
Please pray that he makes a miraculous recovery in the morning.
We have another whole day here before we start our drive back on Monday.  I want him to be able to enjoy the family God has blessed him with.  We are truly blessed and thankful.
Maybe sometime soon our whole family, with the daughters and their fams, will be able to get together.  But, for now, I'm enjoying my sons and theirs, too.
God bless you all.  I'm off to bed.

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