Thursday, August 22, 2013

40th Anniversary decision

Mr. Man and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary next month.  For months we've been thinking about how we should celebrate.  After all, forty years is a long time not to kill somebody! :)
And, you know it's true! Don't give me that shocked look.  Every wife and every husband has thought at least once, I am going to kill that man/woman! ;)   Knowing you never would, but MAN they can drive you NUTS!
SO, having not killed each other in 40 years, we figure we should celebrate!! We are hoping and praying for 50....and it's doubtful we'll kill each other from here on out, we're just too old to care and too old to run.   If another woman wanted him, she could have him, he's all used up, I've had the best years of his life....she can have the ailments and alzheimers years! LOL  I'm just kidding, of course!  I can't imagine my life without that man.  I really can't.

  And, nowadays, old age is making our lives a little easier.  We're both a little forgetful, which amazingly stops a lot of arguments!  If we disagree about whether one of us told the other something, there's no argument.  Because I may NOT have told him what I THOUGHT I told him or he may not REMEMBER what I told him. and vice versa.  We both know we're forgetful, so...  Nothing to fight about.  I'm not saying we don't aggravate each other every now and then, but we get along well, know each other, love each other, are best friends.  Aw, aren't we sweet? Haha.

BACK to the anniversary celebration.  We thought of so many places,(Niagara Falls, California, Hawaii, Utah, the Grand Canyon) but like most people these days, we have limited funds.  Actually, we could use these funds for working on the house or paying off a bill.  But, we are throwing caution to the wind and using it for....a.....CRUISE!  We've never been on one before and are SO excited and nervous!!  We're going on a seven day cruise to the Caribbean.  How exciting!!  We did spring for a cabin with a balcony so I wouldn't feel too claustrophic.  We've been looking online at the cabins and realize it's still going to be quite tight in the room, but at least we can get out in the fress air on the balcony!  The travel guide at was so kind to help us out and put us on the port side with the ocean view balcony so that we can see the ports as we pull in to them. :)  Have I mentioned that we're excited??

So, this is a cruise on a shoestring budget!  There are two formal dinner nights on this cruise...and I had no formal wear.  A friend told me about a thrift store in town that has formals from time to time.  I went yesterday and found a beautiful royal blue formal dress that fit ME and it was $14.99!!  Can you believe it??  And I bought a cute orange leather Preston and York purse for $8.99.  No, the purse isn't for the dress. :)

Now, I'm looking for earrings and shoes to go with the dress and for things like binoculars, backpack, etc..  A few light weight blouses for me and shirts for Mr. Man.  I'm being frugal because there are plenty of extra expenses on a cruise, I see!  The excursions alone can be in the thousands!!  I chose one excursion at each port with a total of around $400.  And, those are the cheap excursions.  But, the entertainment onboard the ship is free and I've got all of those booked, the food is free unless we eat in one of the restaurants that isn't part of the plan.  We won't.

All we want is to make it about US and our love for each other.  I want Mark to have a wonderful time.  He works so hard and is so ready to retire, but can't for a few years.  So, if he gets rested on this trip, feels loved and encouraged, then it will be worth every penny.

Because when it comes down to it, the kids grow up and get on with their they should!...and our parents have all gone to be with Jesus....friends have their own lives to it's really all about the two of us now.  And we need to make it the best it can be!  We thank God for our marriage(and for not killing each other years ago!!)

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