Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm a human, I'm your mother.

I'm a mom
but I'm just human.
Don't put me
on a pedastal.

I'm just a person
who's lived longer than you
but who has struggled with life's

I'm a baby in her mother's arms,
I'm a curly haired blonde, five years old,
who makes mud pies. plays in the rain,
loves paper dolls and my mommy's hugs.
I'm a daughter. I'm a sister. I'm a sister. I'm a sister.

I'm a teenager with horrible acne and tears of
pain when they call me names. I'm growing up.
I have to shave my legs, and I hate my hair!
I'm a struggling teenager. I'm a daughter.

I'm a young woman who has fallen in love,
who got pregnant with the wrong man.
I'm a human, I messed up.

I'm a young mother with a child, on my own.
Oh I love her, Yes I love her,
I would easily give my life for her,
but I'm ashamed of myself and broken hearted
I feel my future's over. I'm a mother. I'm a human.
I'm a young woman who has fallen in love!
This man is so good, he loves me so much!
I'm a young woman in love!  I'm a wife! I'm his wife!!
I'm a step-mother.

Oh my. His ex-wife.  Oh dear, his daughter's so hurt.
Oh my, I'm a human. I don't know what to do.

But, I'm a wife, I'm a wife! I'm a human. I'm loved!
I'm a young mother with another on the way,
then another, then another!
I'm a young mother of four. Oh my, a mother of four.
Life is complete with my fourth in our home. Ah. Life's complete.

But, I'm a mother, I'm a mother!
Oh, God, I'm a mother!  How do I do it, Lord?
Oh, Lord, this is so hard!
I'm a wife, I'm a mother,
I'm a full time mother.

Diapers, noses, breakfast, lunch, dinner,
bills, spats, feuds, diarhhea, puking, fussing,
bedtime, breakfast again. and again. and again.
Good times, good times, good times, bad.
Bad times, good times, bad times, sad.

It's life, it's ups, it's downs, it's life!
I'm glad, I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm tired.
I'm tired!
I love, I live, I long, I lose it,
I'm human.  Just human.  That's all I am. Just human.

I'm a mother! I'm a mother! They're grown.
They're gone.  I'm sad. I'm lonely.  I miss them.
I'm sad. I'm just human.

I'm a grandma!!!!! I'm a grandmaa!! OH, Lord! I'm a grandma!
Again, and again, and again and again!  Oh thank God, I'm
a grandma, I'm in love! I'm in love! Oh the joy, I'm in love!
Look at them, sweet as candy! Cute as buttons!  Such a handful!
My kids are grown! They work, they live, they have lives of their own.
I'm their mother.

I'm old, I'm old...oh Lord, I'm old.
I'm a human, I grow older, I can't stop it, I grow older.
I'm a wife, I'm a wife, with a husband who's grown older.
I'm his wife, his loving wife.  Lord don't take him. I can't bear it.
Give me years, many more years, to love him more and more.
I have time now, I can show him, that I love him, even more.

I'm a human, growing older, growing wiser, growing slower.
I'm a human, it's the cycle, please remember, it's the cycle.
When I leave you, please remember, I tried my hardest to be the best.
I'm just human, I may have failed you, but I tried to do much better.
Please remember, I'm so proud of ,the way you grew up, the life you're living.
Don't forget me, I'm your mother, and I love you, now and forever.

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