Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Heart cry

Can my heart break more than it already has?
Could my tears fill a bucket as they fall from my eyes?
Do the scars show clearly where the words have stung?
Can I go back now and undo what was done?

You crush my soul and stomp on my love.
You turn that knife through my heart.
You laugh with others while I writhe in pain.
You act as if I'm the one you should blame.

Did I live your life?
Have I made your mistakes?
Am I to blame for the mess that you made?

For my own sins, I have paid my dues
I've suffered the shame of life lived without rule.
For my many sins, I've wept and repented,
thankful that Jesus has cleansed and forgiven.

But, you, my child are a harsh critic.
You look at me with eyes vindictive.
Would you could see my love for you.
Would you could love me as I love you.

Wish you could know the prayers that I've prayed
The nights that I've cried in my bed that you'd be spared.
Wish you'd believe the words of mine that often tell others
how beautiful and intelligent you are, my dear daughter.

But, the visions you have of being neglected,
of being rejected, and treated unfairly
are real in your mind, you accept them as true,
but truth isn't in them, we've always loved you!

I can't bear the pain of the words that you throw,
I'm well up in years and can't bear any more.
As you wish, I will leave you alone, stay out of your life
though my heart breaks again night after night.

May God hold you safely in the palm of His hands
May He grant you the peace and His mercy so grand.
May He calm you and hold you and tell you it's true
That you're loved beyond measure for just being you.

You're perfect in His eyes, He made you that way
He'll never leave you, He knows what to say
I wish you could know that we love you, too
Maybe you'll hear Him whisper, "It's true."

Be blessed, be safe on this mission of yours,
wish you'd know that we're here praying for you.
God bless, God keep, and God bring you home
with a new understanding that you're not alone.

I love you more than you'll ever know.
The pigtailed girl who bounced with joy,
who hugged everyone and jumped up and down with so much to say,
That little girl is mine, you can't take HER away.
My memory keeps her right in my heart, she'll never leave me,
she gives me joy.
Come back, my girl, come back to me, my
pigtailed baby with bows in her hair,
come back and love your mommy again.
Come back to me, my daughter so fair.


  1. This one is hard to publish and probably won't lift your spirits. I apologize for that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
