Monday, August 26, 2013


{I must say here that I know I'm not a poet, as you can easily see!  Not sure why my words are coming out this way.  Maybe our friend, Ricky L, inspired it!  He wrote a beautiful poem recently. Hmm..if that's the reason, then this phase will pass soon enough!!}}


Spread your wings and fly
Freely soaring through the sky
See how small the city is
Feel the lightness in your being

Troubles are so far away
Things that weighed you down today
Far behind you've left them now
You feel you're more alive somehow

Why should you sit in that old tree
Fretting o'er what used to be?
Leave it all behind, my friend
Get up, get out, old things must end!

You're not a hen destined to brood
in that old coop your whole life through
You're light and free, destined to be
above the fray where you can see

That life is more than pretty baubles
It's more than strife and petty squabbles
Life is meant to be fulfilling
God, in Spirit, you indwelling.

Freedom from the dark and dreary
Freedom from evil and fearing
You're FREE, you're FREE, you're FREE at last!
Soak up the sun, throw down that mask!

You are made so gloriously!
Your beauty truly Heaven sent
You're made in His own image, child
In your mother's womb alive

He knit you there and all will see
Not an accident, you were meant to be!
Free and happy, fulfilled, at peace,
His hands are holding you and me.

Fly high, fly far, fly free and see
All that God wants you to be.
Let go, feel the breeze, see the clouds
catch the wind
and fly.

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