Sunday, August 25, 2013

There are times....

There are times when my flaws and mistakes haunt me.  There are times when someone's words cut so deep that they temporarily cripple me.  When I feel like a failure and that God can't love me, I remember His words.  His mercies are new every morning, He's slow to anger, full of love and He cannot lie.  He's not mad at me.  He wants me to talk to Him about everything.  He knows it anyway, but it is I who needs to talk to Him!  Prayer is for my good.  I wonder why it is so hard sometimes to go to Him.....when the answer and the peace is always in His presence.  Foolish human, I am.

Sometimes we think we don't need Him because everything seems to be going fine.  But, the truth is that we may need Him most at that time.  It's easy to think we are self-sufficient when the bills are paid and everyone is healthy and happy.  But, truly, those are the times we need to be seeking Him and thanking Him for all that we have. Pride goes before the fall!  Without Him we could do nothing, not even breathe.  We need to stay strong in faith and close to God so that when the hard times come, as they tend to do, we will be ready for them.  Peace is knowing that in good times or 'bad', we will be okay because none of it surprises God and none of it is too big for Him to handle.

The joy of the Lord is our strength!  No matter our circumstances, we can have a glad heart!

Is IS a good day to be happy!  Just do it. :)

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