Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sweet memories

I'm just sitting here before bed thinking about our kids and remembering some of their cuteness.  We have the cutest kids on Earth, I promise! ;)  I know you disagree and your kids are the cutest!  But, I'm the one writing this so I'm gonna go ahead and say MINE are! LOL
Anyway, I thought I'd jot down some of our sweet memories while I can still remember them..I'm sure more will pop in my mind at a later date.

One I remember was when I took our four kids to the Cleveland Zoo one day.  It was one of our favorite places to go.  Mr. Man worked three jobs to keep us fed back in the 70's during the depression/recession, whatever it was.  So, I had to try to entertain the kids by myself.  The Cleveland Zoo was free at that time, and may still be,  and was huge and wonderful. Such a blessing!  Well, on one of our trips to the monkey area, Katie looked up at a monkey...I can't remember if it was a chimpanzee or another kind, she looked up at a money sitting on a log and said, "Mommy, look at that one-eyed monkey!!!"    I looked up, but the monkey was facing away from us.............then it dawned on me that our little girl must need glasses because what she saw was the monkey's bottom. :))    Nope, that round thing she saw wasn't his eye! HAHA!   During the same visit she said, "Look at the monkey with the bubble gum on his butt!"   That was one of those red-behind monkeys, can't remember it's name.  :)      

Our son, Mark, accidentally told on himself one time when he was a teenager.  I can't remember the reason, but one of the four had done something and I needed to question them so I called them all inside.  I must have looked angry because the first thing he said to me was, "I know what you're thinking!"  Surprised, I said, "What??"  He said, "You're thinking those are my cigarettes in the shed!"  : )  I had no idea there WERE cigarettes in the shed.  I'm not sure I ever found out who they belonged to, but I had a pretty good idea. LOL

Matt was an artist at a very young age.  In fact, he often painted his crib...with whatever he found in his diaper. :(   Finally, after several deep cleanings of his crib, the wall near his crib, and him, I decided I couldn't clean that up one more time!  We threw the crib out.  Amazingly, his crib art was not carried over to toddler bed art!  He never painted with that particular medium again, which made this mommy very happy.

When Andy was about 4 years old and Matthew was about 5 1/2, they decided to prank call 911.  We had taught them how to dial 911 for an emergency.  Andy, however, couldn't say his 'f's'.  Instead of saying 'f', he said 't' in 'tace' for 'face,  'tine' for 'fine'.  So, Matthew, dialed 911 and Andy yelled into the phone, "TIRE, TIRE, TIRE!"  : )   Then they told us about it because they were so proud of themselves. LOL  Thankfully, or maybe not, 911 wasn't as sophisticated as it is now....they couldn't see our phone number or address automatically so noone showed up to put out the tire! LOL

Austin, once said his belly hurt so bad that he got in the beetle position.  'Beetle position', we asked?  "Yeah, you now where you curl up like a beetle".  :))

Just a few memories to close this night out with.  They probably won't interest you, but they made me smile! :)

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