Friday, August 9, 2013

Fluffy children

Meet Tink aka Violet aka Oleander.  She is new to our home, we've only had her for three weeks.  For some reason my car led me to the Animal Shelter a few weeks ago.  I don't know why because we already had two dogs and two cats.  I looked at the puppies at the shelter, so many wanting to have a home.  I used some wisdom, though, and realized another dog would not be a good idea.  But, then I meandered into the cat area and there she was, reaching through her cage to me.  Her violet blue eyes captured me and wouldn't let go. She's a beauty and so sweet natured.  Nothing scares her, not even the vacuum cleaner or the blender! The other two babies run for cover, but not Tink.  The pound had named her Oleander because she's as pretty as a flower.  But, I thought Violet suited her better because of her eye color.  Then I bought a pink collar for her with a little bell.  My husband started calling her Tinkerbell but soon shortened it to Tink.  I believe that is the name that will stick with her. :)
Our other two kitties, Cupcake and Scooter, both males, were not really thrilled to see her.  They didn't give her a very warm welcome.  They'd inch up to her and sniff.  She wasn't fond of the sniffing. It took a few days, but now they are good buddies.  They were all three sleeping together the other day, made my heart smile.  We have the sweetest animals, all so loving and good to each other.

I'm pretty sure we are not getting any more animals for a while.  We have a Pomshi(that we called a Schitzeranian for a long time. LOL)named Zachary, that is pushing 14 years old. He's Pomeranian/Shitzhu mix.  His hearing is mostly gone, several teeth are missing, but you can't convince him he's not a bouncing baby boy!  He loves to run and jump, but does tire faster now.  I don't know how much longer we'll have him around.  Zachary was given to Austin when he was a tiny puppy.  He looked like a hamster, so cute!  Austin is the reason we kept that little hard headed, strong willed puppy monster!  Now, he's part of the family and Austin wouldn't take him from us.

We also have a miniature dachshund named Rosalee.  She's 4 years old and a mama's girl.  If you push her lips up, you'll see the largest overbite I've ever seen in human or animal..makes her look kind of 'der de der'. LOL She has what is called 'parrot jaw'.  But, she's beautiful, dappled, and loving...and greedy!  I hear that's normal for her breed.  Quite the food thief, that one.  We got her through an ad in the newspaper.  Her price was lower because of her jaw, but I bought her because of her sweetness.

Cupcake is our old cat, about 11 years old.  He's a huge tuxedo kitty.  The sweetest natured cat I've ever seen.  EVERYbody who meets Cuppy, loves him!  He's never been much of a playful kitty.  The most activity he has now is running from the vacuum cleaner. He and Scooter get to wrestling sometimes, but Scooter is always the instigator.  Cuppy is so laid back that if he ever saw a mouse, he'd just lie there and think, "Cool man, look at that."  I've never seen him chase anything except his tail.  Love him. The way we got Cuppy is a bit unique.  I worked at Blue Angel Elementary School at the time.  After the kids had all left one day the office announced that a kitten had been found and asked if anyone wanted it.  I hurried to the office to see this teeny little kitty about six inches long with his little three inch tail standing straight up.  One of the students had found him while walking to school, scooped him up and put him in her backpack.  She didn't tell the teacher about him, but about lunch time the teacher heard meowing from the hallway.  She rescued him from the backpack and he became my baby.  I named him Cupcake because of my sister, Phyllis.  Phyllis had pancreatic cancer and was on morphine for pain.  One day she was kind of in morphine dream and mumbled something about 'cupcake'.  I asked what she was talking about and she said, "You know, that black and white dog that ran under my chair!"  Well, there was no dog, let alone a black and white one.  She and I laughed about that and many other silly things she said while 'under the influence'. :)  She passed away in 2002 and shortly afterward Cuppy was found.  He wasn't a dog, but he was black and white and Cupcake had to be his name.  It suits him. : )

Scooter was brought to me by Austin as a Mother's Day gift.  Actually his girlfriend tried to keep him and her parents said, 'no.'   That's how he became my 'gift'.  The first thing he did was scratch my face.  I wasn't impressed!!  But, he grew on me.  He's solid black and has a stub for a tail.  Nobody knows if he was born with it or if it was an accident because he was a found kitty.  I think he was born with it and I just love it.  He's my baby boy.  He LOVES to play with everything.  He hides behind he sheers and attacks us as we go by.  He races Mr. Man to the kitchen almost every morning.  He wrestles with Cuppy without Cuppy's permission. : )  He chases bugs and doesn't give up until he catches them.  HE would never let a mouse go by should he ever see one!

He's taken to Tink, but he tries to wrestle with her, too.  She tries, but he's much bigger than her and she soon is tired of his playfulness.  Tink is a 'talker', especially if you're in the kitchen.  Her meowing doesn't stop!!  Once when she had been here just two days, Scooter couldn't take her noise anymore.  He eased up to her and gently swatted her mouth to shut her up!  It didn't work, but I thought it was so cute!

They're all fine and sassy and give us lots of pleasure..and lots of work.  The vacuuming seems never ending.  But, with our human kids grown and gone, we love our four legged kids and their company.

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