Saturday, August 3, 2013


I was sitting under my Magnolia tree this morning, spray painting some iron posts my neighbor made to hold my new birdhouses.  I've never seen any like them and believe me, I've searched!  He's quite a guy, this neighbor.  He had cancer four or five years ago, had surgery, everything seemed fine.  But, now..according to the doctor..he is suffering from the effects of it and is having a hard time walking.  His wife just had surgery for lung cancer and she's never, ever smoked.  But, they think they got it early and got it all.  Thank God!

I had admired his wife's birdhouses for a long time and the posts that connect them to the privacy fence and yet angle them away from it...which is good to keep the cats away.  So, Mr. Man went over to ask him where he got them.  Turns out he made them, he's a welder.  He said he'd make some for us if we'd get the metal.. We did and he did, God love him.  SO, as I said, I was sitting under the Magnolia tree this morning, spray painting those post thingies, so they won't rust.

I heard little 'plip' sounds in the tree.  Sounded like big rain drops, but it wasn't raining(for once!)
As I gazed into the tree, I saw a little squirrel holding a Magnolia 'pod' and picking seeds out of it and dropping pieces down through the leaves.  He was so cute!  I ran inside to get my camera, but by the time I got back he had moved.  I could still hear him, but couldn't see him.  However, I did take some pics looking up into my tree.

This tree has been a bone of contention between my husband and I.  He's wanted to chop it down many times.  The leaves are big and make a mess when they fall...which is often.  They collect rain water, so have to be raked up.  The big seed pods are big as pine cones and are hard on the lawn mower if not raked up.  So, Mr. Man would LOVE it if this tree met its' demise.  However, I would be so sad.  That tree provides wonderful shade for my kitchen and dining room windows..Magnolia flowers have the lovliest lemony scent and are so beautifully white, the leaves such a shiny dark green on one side and fuzzy brown on the other.  The seed pods have bright red seeds that are so pretty and festive looking!  And, the birds and squirrels absolutely love that tree.

I've been able to argue successfully, thus far, to save my tree.  I'm pretty sure I can win this battle..if he ever wants to have a home cooked meal again, that is. :)

I enjoyed my trees shade this morning in the blistering morning sun and the humidity that felt like pea soup.  So, I'll share a picture of this lovely tree with you.  Enjoy....and when possible, come spend some time under it with me and I'll make you some sweet lemonade to sip while we chat.

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